The Effectiveness and Benefits of a Karambit Knife

All of us know of Indonesia for its breathtaking temples, erupting volcanoes, and delicious food but very few of us know that it is also the home of a fascinating and exotic knife which we all know of as a Karambit knife. Yes, this knife has its origins from spellbound Indonesia and was invented by those people as a farming tool. Just got another surprise? Well, yes, these knives were at first designed to be used as farming tools but later people realized that they could do more with them as a fighting tool and this is what it is famous for now. 

Some Historical Facts

It is said that the blade of a karambit was inspired from the claw of a tiger as the blade is curved and closely resemble the alphabet “C”. This particular blade facilitated in tearing, gripping or cutting anything and this is also the reason that this blade is not a favorable option for thrusting or stabbing. During the eleventh century, when the blade was first designed, it was used as a farming tool but then its design started to evolve and numerous versions were invented. Some of them were fixed blade ones while the others were folding knives. 

Handle Features a Safety Ring 

Given the karambit's sharp edge bent structure, the present most recent forms of these knives consistently incorporate a security ring and it also proves to be quite useful. This causes you to embed your thumb or one of your fingers in the safety ring which is present on the handle in order to move it around and use it successfully. 

You may have seen Hollywood movies displaying the utilization of this knife as a strategic weapon in battling successions. On-screen characters utilize its ergonomic handle to do different cool traps that make everybody needs to get fixed blade karambit knives or folding knives for themselves. 

Best Option as a Combat Knife 

We don't intend to state that you need to head outside and stir something up in the road right now just so you can practice something with your karambit knife. In any case, what we mean is this that the structure of this cutting edge makes it an ideal choice for battles, and not for combats only but for self-defense as well. The handle ring permits the wielder of a karambit knife to assault at any minute, regardless, of the position of his/her hand holding the knife in it. 

This is also the reason that Karambit knives could work wonders if it is used for self-defense. In self-defense, you need to have a good and effective weapon with you so you can teach your assailant the lesson of his/her life. But if that does not happen, then you are in some serious trouble. You can get robbed or even killed if things go wrong. 

Do you want that to happen to you? Of course not, because no one does. A karambit is a good option as a self-defense weapon to carry around. The razor-sharp blade and the ergonomic handle, serve the user pretty well. There are lots of fighting techniques as well which you can learn and practice with your karambit knives. Some of the techniques are just devised for Karambits and they are pretty fascinating as well. However, you must be careful around these knives as well. 

The Effectiveness and Benefits

Karambit blades are esteemed and well known for their exact cuts, high level of maintenance and appropriateness for almost everything and every use. When it comes to protecting yourself, a karambit's bend offers the capacity to smoothly assault anyone in a solitary movement effortlessly. It helps you to strike from multiple directions and lines of assault and promptly empowers snaring, catching, cutting, tearing or catching. 

An accomplished karambit wielder can utilize a karambit blade to control an adversary. Regardless of whether you can't see your expected objective, the karambit's bent edge can do wonders and can be folded over the body to hit with precision, causing devastating results.

Read Also: The Parts of a Butterfly Knife


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